We are complex human beings with a wide range of thoughts and emotions, and sometimes we find ourselves at a point in life where we have lost hope. Again, there's that word, "hope." If we don't know what it is, what it looks like, or how to define it, how can we find it? does it look like?
We are complex human beings with a wide range of thoughts and emotions, and sometimes we find ourselves at a point in life where we have lost hope. Again, there's that word, "hope." If we don't know what it is, what it looks like, or how to define it, how can we find it?
I don't have the answer, but I do know, hope is something that resides from within. For me, it's a feeling before a thought. Some would argue that thought comes before feeling or the feeling before the thought. What do you think? Today, I feel hope and I can attribute that to one person today, and tomorrow, maybe I'll feel hope again and attribute that to something I experience. I don't know. I can only "hope."
Whatever the definition, HOPE should have it's very own special meaning to YOU! You define it and feel it. It is there. You have to give yourself permission to feel it. Sometimes, we just have to step out of the way of what's clouding our vision and see it for what it is... a feeling that creates the sensation of... possibilities. I hope... Therefore, I am.
